Kingdom: Plantae
(unranked): Angiosperms
(unranked): Eudicots
(unranked): Rosids
Order: Fagales
Family: Fagaceae
Genus: Quercus
Section: Cerris
Species: Q. acutissima
Binomial name: Quercus acutissima
Synonyms: Quercus bombyx, Quercus lunglingensis, Quercus uchiyamana
Common names: Sawtooth oak,

Quercus acutissima is a medium-sized, fast-growing, deciduous oak. It is native to Indochina (Vietnam, Thailand, Myanmar, Cambodia), China (including Tibet), Japan, Korea and the Himalayas (Nepal, Bhutan, northeastern India), in forests below 2,200 metres. It has been planted in many lands and has become naturalised in parts of North America. It has invaded forests in the eastern United States. It is now no longer recommended for planting in some areas of the US because of its potential impact on native ecosystems. In New Zealand, it is a reasonably rare tree. It has been planted here as a specimen tree in gardens and parks.

Quercus acutissima forms a dense pyramidal crown that rounds with age. It will grow to 30 m tall
It has shiny leaves that are alternate, simple, lanceolate in shape and are up to 8 to 19 cm long and up to 6.4 cm wide. Their margins are sharply serrated with 14-20 small saw-tooth at the end of each vein. Each tooth has a bristle at its tip. The leaves are glossy green in the summer. The autumn colour is variable the leaves can be a rich golden brown to undistinguished pale brown. They may stay on the tree through most of the winter.
This species is monoecious, the male catkins are golden and pendant, appearing in the spring, while the female catkins are borne on spikes, appearing with the leaves. The inconspicuous flowers are wind-pollinated
The acorns are an oval shape with spiny, scaly cups that covers ½ to 2/3 of nuts. Acorns mature in about 18 months and they are very bitter.
The tree's bark is ridged and furrowed even when young, later deeply ridged and furrowed and somewhat corky.

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The pendant male catkins. 
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Each marginal tooth has a bristle on its tip
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The ridged and furrowed bark
1-Quercus acutissima 24zz.jpg

Thanks to Wikipedia for text and information: