Kingdom: Plantae
Phylum: Spermatophyta
Class: Magnoliopsida
Order: Asterales
Family: Compositae
Genus: Olearia
Cultivar: Olearia ilicifolia x Olearia moschata
Synonym: Olearia mollis
Common name: Olearia matthewsii

Olearia matthewsii is a smallish evergreen shrub of compact habit. The grey, spear-shaped, slightly-toothed wavy-edged leaves are up to 4 cm) long. Flower heads of white daisies appear in late spring. The origin of Olearia ilicifolia × Olearia moschata is unknown.

Details from the of the parents of this cultivar.

Olearia moschata is an erect, evergreen, bushy shrub, which grows to 1.2–3.6 m high. The grey-green leaves are leathery, spear-shaped, 8–20 mm long. White daisy flowers in summer. It is found in subalpine to mountain scrubland, in South Island; Arthur’s Pass southwards, New Zealand.

Olearia ilicifolia is an evergreen, much-branched large shrub or small tree, reaching 1.8–5 m high. The grey-green leaves are narrow and spear-shaped, 5–10 cm long, with undulating and toothed edges. The flowers are white. It is found in lowland to subalpine forest, and scrub, in North Island, South Island and Stewart Island.

Photographed at Te Kainga Marire Gardens at Spencer Place
Olearia matthewsii -001.JPG

Olearia matthewsii -002.JPG

The underside of a leafOlearia matthewsii -004.JPG  

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