Kingdom: Plantae
Clade: Angiosperms
Clade: Eudicots
Clade: Rosids
Order: Malvales
Family: Malvaceae
Genus: Hoheria
Species: H. angustifolia
Binomial name: Hoheria angustifolia
Synonym: Hoheria microphylla, Hoheria populnea var. angustifolia
Common names: Narrow-leaved lacebark, Narrow-leaved houhere, houhi puruhi.

Hoheria angustifolia is a small, slender, grey-trunked tree of columnar habit growing up to 10-18 m tall. It can have a trunk diameter at breast height of up to 30 centimetres. It is endemic to New Zealand’s North and South Islands. It occurs in forests up to 900 m above sea level, mainly in drier eastern districts. It is found mostly in the eastern South Island. It is absence from Taranaki, Auckland, Westland and Fiordland.

Hoheria angustifolia is heteroblastic (growing several forms leaves depending on age) tree. A juvenile tree has slender, wiry, intertwined twigs branching at a very wide angle until it gets to about 2 m high. During this stage, it bears small roundish leaves.
The grey-green to dark green adult leaves are narrow and have sharply-toothed margins and are >48mm long by >10mm wide. Occasionally different leaf-forms may all occur on the same tree.
During December to February small clusters of starry creamy-white flowers (2cm across) smother the tree. 
The flowers develop into dry papery winged fruits during February – April.
Hoheria angustifolia is often an important host for Tupeia antarctica (white mistletoe).

Photographed late February the tree is covered in dry papery winged fruits.
Hoheria angustifolia 1 .JPG

1-Hoheria angustifolia .jpg

The dry papery winged fruits
Hoheria angustifolia 6 .JPG

Dry fruits
Hoheria angustifolia 9 .JPG

Thanks to Wikipedia for text and information: