Kingdom: Plantae
(Unranked): Angiosperms
(Unranked): Eudicots
(Unranked): Asterids
Order: Apiales
Family: Griseliniaceae
Genus: Griselinia
Species: G. littoralis
Cultivar: Griselinia littoralis 'Green Jewel'
Binomial name: Griselinia littoralis 'Green Jewel'
Common name: Griselinia 'Green Jewel'

This Griselinia littoralis cultivar is a round-headed branching hardy tree which grows in dry, difficult or exposed sites. It has leathery glossy ovate leaves with a deep green central zone and an irregular cream margin. It can grow to a tree of 10m in height.
Small green flowers develop in spring and these are followed by green to black fruits which are loved by birds.

Photographed atthe New Plymouth airport
Griselinia littoralis Green jewel -005.JPG

Griselinia littoralis Green jewel -003.JPG