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Kingdom:   Plantae
(Unranked):        Angiosperms
(Unranked):        Eudicots
(Unranked):        Rosids
Order:       Rosales
Family:      Rosaceae
Subfamily: Rosoideae
Tribe:        Sanguisorbeae
Subtribe:    Sanguisorbinae
Genus:      Acaena
Species:     A. minor var. antarctica
Binomial name: Acaena minor var. antarctica
Synonyms:  Acaena sanguisorbae var. antarctica, Acaena sanguisorbae subsp. Antarctica, Acaena anserinifolia var. Antarctica, Acaena sanguisorbae var. aucklandica.
Common name:   Acaena antarctica

Acaena minor var. antarctica is prostrate dicotyledonous herbs endemic to the Antipodes, Auckland and Macquarie Islands in the Southern Ocean. On Macquarie Island, the plant is widespread and generally occurs on drier sites than its congener Acaena magellanica.
Its main stems grow to 700 mm long with erect lateral branches up to 50 mm high. The leaves are 15–80 mm long and 10–25 mm wide, glabrous above with long, silky hairs below. The leaflets occur in 6–7 pairs, the lowest very reduced and the others crowded. The inflorescence scape is 30–40 mm long with a head of up to 14 mm in diameter. The flower (September to January) has two stamens, purple anthers and a white style. The fruiting scape (January to April) is up to 80 mm long with a head up to 25 mm in diameter.
Now sold in specialised nurseries.




Thanks to Wikipedia for text and information: