Kingdom: Plantae
Phylum: Tracheophyta
Class: Liliopsida
Order: Cyperales
Family: Cyperaceae
Binomial name: Carex maorica
Synonyms: Carex fascicularis var. minor, Carex forsteri var. minor
Common name: Maori sedge

Carex maorica is a light green to yellow-green tufted native sedge endemic to New Zealand. It grows on the North and South Islands. In the North Island uncommon in the east from East Cape to the Wairarapa otherwise widespread. In the South Island apparently absent from Southland and Fiordland
Its habitat is coastal to lowland in freshwater wetlands, under willow trees in gully systems, along river and stream banks, lake margins, and in damp seepages, pond margins and clearings within forests. It grows to 50cm or so tall and flowers from October – December. It has spiky seed heads that appear from November – May.
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