Last edited 3 months ago
by Elise

Seachange Surveys

Revision as of 13:25, 23 March 2021 by Elise (talk | contribs) (apostrophe)
Seachange Surveys
Image Seachange Surveys logo col.jpg
Project Seachange Surveys
Group WIld for Taranaki
Topic Natural history, Beach and coastal
Resources online yes
School sessions yes
Level Primary, Intermediate, High School
Phil Bendle pages Property "Has Phil Bendle pages" (as page type) with input value "Phil Bendle Collection:" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Web address
Location Oakura, Taranaki

Seachange Surveys is a Curious Minds project that aims to support local communities in the monitoring of coastal species, primarily kaimoana (seafood), in their rohe moana (coastal area). The project will provide suitable survey methods to monitor changes of interest over time and allow communities to effectively manage their kaimoana species.

Project Overview

Members of the Kaitake community have been asking for a scientifically based reef survey for some years, as they want to learn more about the health and distribution of pāua populations (Haliotis iris) located on reefs between Fort St George and the northern end of Tapuae Marine Reserve. These passionate people have acted as kaitiaki over these pāua populations for decades and they have express concern about these populations declining in numbers. We are working with members of this community to develop a survey module that will meet their monitoring needs and allow them to effectively manage their kaimoana fisheries.

Following our pilot project in 2019 we aim to continue to empower the Kaitake community to independently monitor their pāua stocks, as well as branch out to other communities, who not only have an interest in pāua but in other taonga (treasured) coastal species living on our coastline.

Project Report


Find our teacher and survey resources on our Moodle page:


Blair, T. (2002). A Community Guide to Monitoring Paua and Kina Populations.

Otaraua Hapū. (2003). Kaimoana Survey Guidelines for Hapü and Iwi.

Conservation Council of SA. (2007). Intertidal Training Manual.

Laferriere, A. M. (2016). Examining the ecological complexities of blackfoot paua demography and habitat requirements in the scope of marine reserve protection.

David, J., & Davies, A. (2006). Early life ecology of Haliotis iris: The effects of algal habitat, depth and substrate complexity on recruitment.

Debbie Free. (2006). Te Angiangi and Te Tapuwae o Rongokako Marine Reserves: Intertidal Paua and Kina Monitoring. Technical Support - Marine East Coast Hawke’s Bay Conservancy.
