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by Elise

Waitara Kaimoana Survey

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Waitara Kaimoana Survey
Project Waitara Kaimoana Survey
Group Otaraua Hapū, Waitara Alive, Taranaki Regional Council
Topic Sustainability, Natural history, Beach and coastal
Resources online
School sessions
Level Primary, Intermediate, High School
Phil Bendle pages Property "Has Phil Bendle pages" (as page type) with input value "Phil Bendle Collection:" contains invalid characters or is incomplete and therefore can cause unexpected results during a query or annotation process.
Web address

Titiro tui muri, haere whakamua; look backwards to move forward

Project Overview

A local hapū, the Waitara community and marine scientists have joined forces to survey the health of marine life on the Airedale reef, off the Taranaki coast.

The Airedale reef is part of the Waitara reef system, which was last surveyed 15 years ago by members of the Otaraua hapū. The citizen science group is exploring the health and abundance of kaimoana on the reef to monitor for any changes since then. The project is also exploring the value of customary practices and help young people understand the responsibilities of kaitiakitanga.


Otaraua Hapū, Waitara Alive, Taranaki Regional Council