Kingdom:   Plantae
Division: Pinophyta
Class: Pinopsida
Order: Pinales
Family:    Podocarpaceae
Genus: Podocarpus
Species:    P. cunninghamii
Binomial name: Podocarpus cunninghamii
Synonyms: Podocarpus hallii, Nageia hallii, Podocarpus totara var. hallii,
Common name: Hall's totara, Montane totara, Thin-bark totara, Mountain totara.

Podocarpus cunninghamii is tall, slow-growing species of conifer growing to a maximum height of 20 metres and can have a trunk up to 1.25m in diameter. It is found only in New Zealand growing in lowland and montane forests as it is common in the 'goblin forest' on Mt Taranaki/Egmont (760 - 1100 metres above sea level). Where beech is absent, such as on Mt Taranaki the timberline can be gradual. Trees such as thin-bark totara (Podocarpus hallii) diminish in stature until they intermingle with subalpine scrub.
It is closely related to Podocarpus totara but distinguished from it by having thin, flaky, paper-like bark and longer juvenile leaves which are 2.5-5 cm long and 4-5 mm wide. The adult leaves are 2-3 cm long and 3-4mm wide.
P. cunninghamii pollen and seed cones are similar to Podocarpus totara and appear at the same time. Cones occur solitary or in groups of 2-5. The seed cone is around fleshy red coloured receptacle which has on top a pale green epimatium (a specialized type of ovuliferous scale that bears and completely encloses a single inverted ovule). The seeds 3-5mm long.
The bark "was formerly used by southern Maori to encase the kelp bags used for storing mutton birds. These containers are known as pohatiti" (Metcalf 2002).

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Photographed Mt Egmont/Taranaki

A juvenile tree photographed at Otari Native Botanic Garden and Wilton's Bush Reserve. Wellington.[2]



Podocarpus cunninghamii (Mountain totara) can be distinguished from Podocarpus totara (lowland totara) by the shape and size of its resting bud. See photos below.

A bud of Podocarpus cunninghamii (Mountain totara)

A bud of Podocarpus totara (Lowland totara)

The stringy bark of Podocarpus cunninghamii

Thanks to Wikipedia for text and information: