Kingdom: Plantae
(unranked): Angiosperms
(unranked): Eudicots
(unranked): Asterids
Order: Asterales
Family: Compositae
Genus: Olearia
Species: O.avicenniaefolia
Binomial name: Olearia avicenniaefolia
Synonyms: Shawia avicenniifolia, Eurybia avicenniifolia
Common names: Mountain akeake, teteaweka, South Island akeake, hakeke

Olearia avicenniaefolia is an endemic, spreading shrub/small tree found on the exposed, windswept coastline of Stewart Island and southern parts of the South Island. The tree has thin papery bark. It grows to about >6m tall and can have a spread of >3m.
It has leathery, grey/green, lance-shaped leaves that are downy white on the undersides.
During November to February sweet-scented flowers are carried in clusters of 3-10 and are about 5cm wide, with white rays and purple central disks.


Photographed at Knights Point West Coast, New Zealand. Late February.

Photographed in the Upper Buller Gorge.


The buff coloured tomentum on the underside is a distinguishing feature of the shrub.[

Photographed near Knights Point, South Westland. Early March.

Photographed at Otari Wilton Reserve, Wellington

The undersurface of a leaf covered in buff coloured tomentum

Thanks to Wikipedia for text and information