
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Arthropoda
Subphylum: Hexapoda
Class: Insecta
Subclass: Pterygota
Infraclass: Neoptera
Superorder: Endopterygota
Order: Hymenoptera
Suborder: Apocrita
Superfamily: Apoidea
(Unranked): Anthophila
Family: Colletidae
Genus: Hyleoides
Species: Hyleoides concinna
Common name: Wasp mimic bee

Hyleoides concinna is an Australian bee that has recently established itself in the North Island. It will probably spread to the rest of New Zealand as most of the country is suitable climatically.
It is thought that it entered this country as diapausing prepupae in nests in imported timber that was offloaded at the ports of Napier and Gisborne. The proximity of collection sites suggests this.
Hyleoides concinna is a black bee with bright yellow-orange metasomal bands and metallic blue wings that are distinctive in flight.
This solitary bee (does not form colonies). In summer the female constructs a series of cells in pre-existing holes in logs, banks, walls, etc. She lines the walls with a cellophane-like material that she secretes.
When the cell is nearly filled with pollen and nectar, she lays an egg. She then weaves a protective curtain (iris) across the entrance. She will stay behind the curtain with her antennae ticking out to assess environmental conditions. The larvae pupate and emerge the following spring. Hyleoides concinna breed only once a year and adult bees live only from spring until mid-summer.  The males will rooster together as a group on a branch or twig. 

Hylaeine bees are not known to be aggressive and sting only if pressed against the flesh.

A female bee.

A female bee.

A male bee

Dorsal view female[4]

Dorsal view male

Female lateral view

 Male lateral view.

Female head.

Head of a male.

Gaster ventral view male   

A little video showing a female bee entering her cell through the curtain (iris) at the entrance.VIDEO