Phil Bendle Collection:Ligustrum lucidum (Tree privet): Difference between revisions

Latest revision as of 14:47, 24 September 2019

Kingdom: Plantae
(unranked): Angiosperms
(unranked): Eudicots
(unranked): Asterids
Order: Lamiales
Family: Oleaceae
Genus: Ligustrum
Species: L. lucidum
Binomial name: Ligustrum lucidum
Common names: Tree Privet, Privet, Glossy Privet, Hedge privet, Wax Leaved Ligustrum.

Skull and crossbones1.jpg The leaves and the fruit are poisonous and its perfume contributes to asthma

Ligustrum lucidum is a species of privet native to the southern half of China. It is a pest plant and is widespread & common in New Zealand and tolerates a wide range of conditions. It is a National Pest Plant Accord species – nationwide.  Ligustrum lucidum impact on the environment is that it replaces mid-canopy trees (taraire, towai, pohutukawa) & completely dominates areas of the forest if unhindered. Its habitats are hedgerows, roadsides, lowland & coastal forest, wastelands, plantations. It tolerates a wide range of conditions.
Ligustrum lucidum is a small-medium, hardy, fast growing, evergreen tree or dense shrub <10m high and can reach 14m in foliage diameter.
Ligustrum lucidum had dark green, glossy oval leaves, pointed tips and a smooth margin.
Long panicles of strongly scented white flowers appear November -March. Its fruit is berry-like bluish or purplish-black drupes.
Its seeds are dispersed by birds and over long distances by Kereru (Hemiphaga novaeseelandiae).
Ligustrum lucidum impact on the environment is that it replaces mid-canopy trees (taraire, towai, pohutukawa) & completely dominates areas of the forest if unhindered. 
Ligustrum sinense (Chinese privet) differs from Ligustrum lucidum in that is a much shorter tree. It has smaller more rounded leaves than Ligustrum lucidum and its white flowers have characteristic purple or mauve anthers and it has a longer flowering period. Ligustrum sinense displaces forest shrub tier and marginal shrubs in alluvial forests.

Flowers February
Ligustrum lucidum Wax Leaved Ligustrum -005.jpg

Ligustrum lucidum Wax Leaved Ligustrum -009.JPG

1-Ligustrum lucidum byKENPEI.jpg

Fruits July
Ligustrum lucidum Wax Leaved Ligustrum .JPG

Ligustrum lucidum Wax Leaved Ligustrum -001.JPG

Ligustrum lucidum Wax Leaved Ligustrum -002.JPG 

Thanks to Wikipedia for text and information: